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Debt and Bankruptcy Laws


Maximum interest rate:
Legal: 10%
Judgment: 10% or contract rate

Statute of limitations on enformcement:
Open Account (credit card): 4 years (2 yeas if not in writing)
Written Contract: 4 years
Domestic Judgment: 10 years (can be renewed at 10 years)
Foreign Judgment: 10 years

Bad check law damages:
Amount owed plus treble (3 times) damages (minimum $100 and maximum $1500)


Maximum interest rate:
Legal: 10%
Judgment: 10% or or contract rate
(but not more than 18%)

Statute of limitations on enformcement:
Open Account (credit cards): 4 years
Written Contract: 5 years
Domestic Judgment: 7 years (renewable)
Foreign Judgment: 5 years

Bad check law damages:
Amount owed plus treble (three times) damages, bank fees, reasonable attorney's fees, and court costs.

New York:

Maximum interest rate:
Legal: 16%
Judgment: 9%

Statute of limitations on enformcement:
Open Account (credit cards) 6 years
Written Contract: 6 years
Domestic Judgment: 20 (renewable)
Foreign Judgment: 20 (renewable)

Bad check law damages:
Amount of check plus double check amount up to $400 if NSF and up to $750 if written on nonexistent account